Friday 15 March 2019

Spain IV - Doñana National Park

Raptors in Doñana

Some colonies of Lesser Kestrels (Hime-chogenboヒメチョウゲンボウ) have been established in Doñana.
Each nest box has a number.  females (above, below)
A male Lesser Kestrel has gray upperwing coverts - hmm.. hard to see them though!

We saw Common Kestrels at the same spot too. Both Common and Lesser Kestrels are resident birds in Doñana.

Black Kite (tobiトビ)
Black Kites - summer birds in Doñana

Red Kites (Akatobiアカトビ) are resident. (no pic)

This Black-shouldered Kite (Kataguro-tobiカタグロトビ) didn't like something in the bush below, which we weren't able to see, and kept diving at it, making sharp calls at each dive.

Black-shouldered (or Black-winged) Kites - resident in Doñana

a pair of Little Owls (Kokimme-fukuroコキンメフクロウ)

Little Owls - resident in Doñana

Peregrine Falcon (Hayabusaハヤブサ)

 just coughing up a pellet!
Peregrine Falcon - resident in Doñana

Raptors we saw in Doñana - Black-shouldered Kite, Eurasian Griffon Vulture, Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Western Marsh Harrier, Hen Harrier, Montagu's Harrier, Black Kite, Red Kite, Common Buzzard

Click here for Vicent's Doñana Wings

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