Wednesday 18 February 2015

Birds in Junsaichi Koen

 A pair of Eastern Great Tits (Shijukaraシジュウカラ)

a very swift moving Japanese Bush Warbler (Uguisuウグイス)

a Grey Starling (Mukudoriムクドリ)

a Little Egret (Kosagiコサギ)

a Great Egret (Daisagiダイサギ)

Little & Great Egrets together

a male Kingfisher (Kawasemiカワセミ)

Tree Sparrows (Suzumeスズメ)

a White Wagtail (Hakusekireiハクセキレイ)

an Oriental Turtle Dove (Kijibatoキジバト)

a Kingfisher perching under the bridge

To get to Junsaichi Koen from the north exit of JR Ichikawa Station:
Take a 市81 or 市82 bus towards Kokubun-shoshajo or Kita-kokubun Statkon and
get off at the stop called Junsaichi Koen, which is right in front of the entrance of the park.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Ducks in Junsaichi Koen

Junsai-Ike Koen, about 1.5 miles north of JR Ichikawa Station, which is just like one of the many busy stations in and around Tokyo, is a haven away from all the hustle and bustle. There are a lot of resident ducks as well as wintering birds found in the park.

Nearly a hundred ducks resting on the island and on the water.

unmistakable black and white Tufted Ducks (Kinkurohajiroキンクロハジロ)

elegant yet rather friendly (or greedy?) Pintails (Onagagamoオナガガモ)

neatly resting little Teals (Kogamoコガモ)

a male Shoveller (Hashibirogamoハシビロガモ) just woken up from a nap

Teals and a Shoveller

a pair of Wigeons (Hoshihajiroホシハジロ)

Resident Spotbill Ducks (Karugamoカルガモ)

a lone male Smew (Mikoaisaミコアイサ) - the star of the day:)
What's he doing, I wonder?

Sunday 15 February 2015

Red-flanked Bluetail

A gorgeous female (or the 1st winter) Red-flanked Bluetail (Ruribitakiルリビタキ) is wintering in the ecology park.