Monday 11 September 2017

Singapore in September IV

Scaly-breasted Munia (Shimakimparaシマキンパラ) - resident

Feeding time! 
A man was feeding birds in a park and lots of Tree Sparrows, Scaly-breasted Munia, Common Mynah (not in the picture) and Zebra Doves were taking advantage of the opportunity.

They can be found on the forest edges as well as in the urban parks.

Red Junglefowl (Sekishoku-yakeiセキショクヤケイ) - resident
a female foraging amongst the trees

A male foraging in a residential area

Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker (Seaka-hanadoriセアカハナドリ) - resident
 He picked out the very red berry, crushed it, and ate only the juicy pulp.
The flowerpeckers are very small and fast moving birds so I was lucky to meet one that stayed at the same spot long enough for me to take photos of him.

Stork-billed Kingfisher (Kohashi-shobinコウハシショウビン) - resident
Despite its size - around 40cm, which is almost the same size as a woodpigeon, though the kingfisher is not that plump:) - and the stunning colours, they are hard to find. They blend well into the colourful background.

White-breasted Waterhen (Shiroharakuinaシロハラクイナ) - resident

You can spot one or two without fail if you are close to water. Some of them living in parks are so used to humans that they just walk past in front of you as if you don't exist.

Yellow-vented Bulbul (Meguro-hiyodoriメグロヒヨドリ) - resident
One of the most successful bulbuls in Southeast Asia. They normally fly around in a family flock and are very vocal.

There are 3 very common swiflets found in Singapore - Glossy, Black-nest, and Germain's Swiflet,  and they are almost impossible to identify when flying.

Grey-rumped Treeswift (Kammuri-amatsubameカンムリアマツバメ), House Swifts (Hime-amatsubameヒメアマツバメ), Asian Palm Swifts (Ajia-yashi-amatsubameアジアヤシアマツバメ) are occasionally flying amongst them, so you can't just ignore them!

We had 2 full days with our excellent guide, Kim Seng, and managed to see/hear over 80 species of birds. If you have plan to do some birding in Singapore, even for a couple of hours, with a professional guide, Kim Seng is your man!

Other interesting wildlife in Singapore

a Monitor in the tree!
So comical to see one so relaxed in a tree! 

Common Fruit Bats


Centipede vs Ants

Sumatran Gliding Lizard

Wagler's Pit Viper

Lovely sunset☆

Sunday 10 September 2017

Singapore in September III

Oriental Magpie-robin (Shikichoシキチョウ) - resident

There was a family of Oriental Magpie-robin at the entrance of a park and the male brought an insect to give to the female, who gave it to the young one. 

 One of the young ones started to sunbath in front of us on the path:)

Malaysian Plover (Kuroeri-shirochidoriクロエリシロチドリ) - uncommon resident
Argh! This is the only pic I managed to take and she was showing her back at us...
She stayed on the shore with some Lesser Sand Plovers and Little Terns.

Pacific Swallow (Ryukyu-tsubameリュウキュウツバメ) - resident

Lots of them were flying over the cut grass and in the parks. Some Barn Swallows were also flying with them but the number was still very small.

Oriental Pied Hornbill (Kitakasasagi-saichoキタカササギサイチョウ) - resident
 He (she?) is rather bulky but acrobatic!

Pin-striped Tit-babber (Munafumushikui-chimedoriムナフムシクイチメドリ) - resident
 He(She?) was about the size of a great tit, moving like a goldcrest, and very vocal.

Purple Heron (Murasakisagiムラサキサギ) - resident
There was a tree with several Purple Herons' nests on it by this water.
This young one flew in a nearby tree and looked rather wobbly with its footing:)

Saturday 9 September 2017

Singapore in September II

Collared Kingfisher (Nanyoshobinナンヨウショウビン) - resident
caught something!

Coconut Lorikeet (Goshikiseigai-inkoゴシキセイガイインコ) - introduced resident
 Argh! blurred!
They are called 'Rainbow Lorikeets' as well.

Common Flameback (Zuaka-miyubigeraズアカミユビゲラ) - resident

a beautiful bird!

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo (Kazari-ochuカザリオウチュウ) - resident

This pair seem to be having a chat and they really sounded like they were gossipping:)

They stayed long enough for passers-by to take pictures of them with their phones.

Lineated Barbet (Shiroboshi-oogoshikidoriシロボシオオゴシキドリ) - introduced resident
We only saw them flying when with our guide, but this one just flew into a nearby tree in a park when we were just walking on a non-birding day:)

Little Spiderhunter (Kokumokaridoriコクモカリドリ) - resident
One of the birds I'd really wanted to see and thanks to Kim Seng's hawk eye we were able to observe him quite closely.

Gardens By the Bay

a closer look at the Supertree

 Marina Bay Sands