Friday 26 September 2014

Yatsuhigata (from the windows of the observation centre)

On the freshwater pond by the observation centre, many Teals (Kogamoコガモ) were feeding, having a bath, preening or having a rest. They are always the first ones to arrive on the way to their winter migration grounds.

The freshwater pond was covered with Water Velvet (Akaukikusaアカウキクサ), which is an aquatic plant in the fern family. 
There was an Intermediate Egret (Chusagiチュウサギ) with other herons & egrets.
from the left - Grey Heron (Aosagiアオサギ), Little Egret (Kosagiコサギ), Intermediate Egret (Chusagiチュウサギ)

two Little Egrets (Kosagiコサギ) & a Great Egret (Daisagiダイサギ)

Towards the closing time for the day, a Common Sandpiper (Isoshigiイソシギ) and a Pintail (Onagagamoオナガガモ) landed on the narrow shore by the observation centre. 

And as we were just about to leave, the ranger told us a young Greenshank (Aoashishigiアオアシシギ) had turned up on the freshwater pond.

He is rather a fast eater...!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Yatsuhigata (on the mudflat)

The tide was coming in and it wasn't the greatest timing to see many waders but Yatsuhigata never bores you! 

On floating seaweeds, there were Red-necked Stints (Tounenトウネン) feeding or having a rest.

Cormorants (Kawauカワウ)

Black-tailed Gull (Uminekoウミネコ)

Little Grebes (Kaitsuburiカイツブリ)

A Black-winged Stilt (Seitakashigiセイタカシギ) & Teals (Kogamoコガモ)

A young Black-winged Stilt

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Ecology Park

The first visit since we came back from our holiday in Wales.

Quiet lake

or not?

Four Little Egrets (Kosagiコサギ) flew down to the lake,

tried to land on a tiny island all together and

perched in a tree by the water briefly but they all took off shortly after.

Are they on the way south for the winter?

Raccoon Dogs (Tanukiタヌキ) were by the lake, grooming each other and one of them stayed all morning snoozing:)

A pair of Spotbilled Ducks (Karugamoカルガモ)

A female Teal (Kogamoコガモ) swam out of the reedbed and started preening herself on the island. She seems to be the only Kogamo and is the first of the season.

Two Kingfishers (Kawasemiカワセミ) turned up on the lake, a male and a female, and they chased each other like mad. Eventually, they settled on either side of the lake.

A Japanese Rat Snake (Aodaishoアオダイショウ) was swimming and a Little Grebe (Kaitsuburiカイツブリ) was chasing it! (I only noticed the bird when I put down my camera! You can see half of him...) Was it from curiosity or anger? interesting!

Monday 22 September 2014

Miyakogawa Mizunosato Koen

This year autumn seems to have arrived rather early (thank god!) and it was a gorgeous autumnal day today.

I cycled down to the Miyako river to see if any shrikes have come to Chiba for winter.

There she is!
She was calling really loudly, perching at the very top of a tree, claiming her territory.
She is a Bull-headed Shrike (Mozuモズ), which is the most common shrike species in Chiba.
They are famous for mimicking other birds' calls and this lady was singing like a brown-eared bulbul:)

Today this year's rice was just harvested. Local volunteers grow it every year in the park and it is a part of education programme for local children to learn how rice grows.

On the paddy field, Tree Sparrows (Suzumeスズメ) were feasting away. The number of them was definitely more than 200.

Some of them were enjoying a bath:)

9 Spotbilled Ducks (Karugamoカルガモ) were quietly foraging in the stream (the Miyako).

A Little Grebe (Kaitsuburiカイツブリ) was already in its winter plumage.

An Oriental Turtle Dove (Kijibatoキジバト) looked rather startled.

Lots of Dragonflies were flying around or resting like this one.

I've never seen so many grasshoppers in one place.

I'm not good at identifying spiders but I thought it looks beautiful.


A map of the park.
The park itself is not so large but it is a good place for bird-watching especially during the week when it is very quiet.