Sunday 19 March 2017

Singapore VII

I'll show a bit more of the photos I took in Singapore and end my Singapore entries.

Yellow Bittern (Yoshigoiヨシゴイ)

Oriental Magpie-robin (Shikichoシキチョウ)

Lesser Whistling Ducks (Ryukyugamoリュウキュウガモ)

Straw-headed Bulbul (Kigashirahiyodoriキガシラヒヨドリ)

This bulbul is one of the most popular birds for the pet-bird trade in South-east Asia and has been listed as an 'endangered' species. Singapore is the only country where the number of the bulbul has been increasing.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Hariohachikuiハリオハチクイ)

They were seen in many places even in the residential area where we stayed.

They are passing migrants according to Kim Seng, our guide, and the other bee-eater we saw, the Blue-throated Bee-eater, are resident but I didn't get a picture.

Plantain Squirrel (Bananarisuバナナリス)

Red Junglefowls (Sekishokuyakeiセキショクヤケイ)

Supertrees in Gardens by the Bay

We had an amazing two days birding with our wonderful guide, Kim Seng, and our sighting list counted 98 bird species! Thank you, Kim Seng!
If you are planning a birding trip in Singapore and need a guide, we strongly recommend Kim Seng for your guide:)

Saturday 18 March 2017

Singapore VI

In the Wetland Reserve facing the Johore Strait, Estuarine Crocodiles (Iriewaniイリエワニ) and Water Monitors (Mizuootokageミズオオトカゲ) can be seen closely.

That was the first croc I'd ever seen in the wild. It looked like a sculpture:)

look at his claws!!

Lesser Dog-faced Fruit Bats (Koinugaofurutsukohmoriコイヌガオフルーツコウモリ) were resting under the roof.

On the mudflats, a big flock of Pacific Golden Plovers (Munaguroムナグロ) was resting.

Common Redshanks (Akaashishigiアカアシシギ)

Striated Heron (Sasagoiササゴイ)
The Striated Herons had started breeding and we saw a chick in a nest:)

House Crows (Iegarasuイエガラス) were pecking something - a rotten fish?

a very colourful kingfisher - Stork-billed Kingfisher (Kohashishobinコウハシショウビン)

Painted Stork (Indotokikohインドトキコウ) - flying freely in and out of the zoo nearby

Malaysia on the other side of the strait

Friday 17 March 2017

Singapore Birding V

In a nature park, a flock of White-crested Laughingthrush (Hakuochoハクオウチョウ) were foraging very close to the path and even when people went closer to take pictures of them they didn't look really bothered:)

It looks like he caught an ant!

a Common Flameback (Zuakamiyubigeraズアカミユビゲラ)

The park is built on the site of an old quarry and nature has come back into the whole area.

A young Changeable Hawk-eagle (Kawarikumatakaカワリクマタカ) was perching on top of the cliff.

a shy Spotted Dove (Kanokobatoカノコバト)

Not-so-common-in-Singapore Common Mynas (Indohakkaインドハッカ) were foraging on the grass near a golf course.

a Paddyfield Pipit (Himemamijirotahibariヒメマミジロタヒバリ) too!

Thursday 16 March 2017

Singapore Birding IV

On another occasion, we asked Kim Seng to guide us again for a day.
We started the day before the sun came up to reach the top of the canopy in the Central Catchment.

walking with torches
Birds were already quite vocal in the darkness.

From the canopy
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (Orenjihanadoriオレンジハナドリ)

Brown-throated Sunbird (Chanodokobashitaiyochoチャノドコバシタイヨウチョウ)

Crimson Sunbird (Kigoshitaiyochoキゴシタイヨウチョウ)

Cream-vented Bulbul (Mejirochairohiyodoriメジロチャイロヒヨドリ)

Olive-winged Bulbul (Akamehiyodoriアカメヒヨドリ)

Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Koaobatoコアオバト)

the view from the canopy

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo (Kazariochuカザリオウチュウ) in the dawn

a White-throated Kingfisher (Aoshobinアオショウビン) seen on the way back to the car pack

a Long-tailed Macaques (Kanikuizaruカニクイザル) eating berries

We saw an incredible number of birds from the canopy, entirely thanks to Kim Seng before moving on to other sites.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Singapore Birding III

We moved on to a place where the Long-tailed Shrike was expected to be seen.

There he is! Long-tailed Shrike (Takasagomozuタカサゴモズ)
It flew down in the shrubs and disappeared soon after.

On another lamp post, a White-throated Kingfisher (Aoshobinアオショウビン) was sitting.

A White-breasted Waterhen (Shiroharakuinaシロハラクイナ) dashed from cover to cover, but stopped to check us.

A timid Zebra Dove (Choshobatoチョウショウバト) was quietly foraging in the reeds.

Two tiny but aggressive Olive-backed Sunbirds (Kibarataiyochoキバラタイヨウチョウ) were fighting over their perches. Today's winner here!

A Chestnut-winged Cuckoo (Kammurikakkoカンムリカッコウ) was a great surprise for all of us.

He didn't seem to mind us much watching him closely.
He could have landed here because he was feeling peckish on the way to his breeding ground:)