Thursday 13 June 2019

Kujukuri Beach

On a sunny but windy day, I drove to Kujukuri hoping to see some interesting seabirds.

There were three juvenile Black-winged Terns (Hajiro-kurohara-ajisashiハジロクロハラアジサシ) among nearly 100 Common Terns (Ajisashiアジサシ).

My first ever sighting of this species:) Yay!

Lots of Common Terns
I was a bit confused because they didn't look like what I had known as Common Terns with a red beak. I learnt that the ones seen in the UK and these are a different subspecies and the colour of their beaks is the biggest difference between them.

A male Little Tern (Koajisashiコアジサシ) was trying hard to attract his mate:)

Over the water, hundreds or even thousands of Streaked Shearwaters (Oomizunagidoriオオミズナギドリ) were shearing over the water.

It was a glorious day!