Thursday, 7 May 2015

Inage Kaihin Park

I hadn't been to the would-be breeding ground for the Little Terns since I took part in the voluntary work and I'd been wondering if any Little Terns had been spotted at the site and decided to stay for the summer so I cycled there (for 6.5 miles!) to have a look.

The visitor centre for the park
It was rather deserted as it was mid-week but I can imagine how hellish it could be on weekends.

When I got to the beach, I heard Little Terns' calls and spotted 2 of them but they didn't stay long. Both birds flew out into the sea. Well, it could have been a good sign, they could have been there to check the site. We'll see.

Instead, a pair of Kentish Plovers (Shirochidoriシロチドリ) were foraging on the shoreline.
a handsome lad!

He went into the protected area and sat down in the bushy grass. Was he brooding? or just playing hide-and-seek? I can't tell.

We had some pairs of Kentish Plovers, which successfully bred in the protected area last year so we could expect that to happen again this year. Fingers crossed.

The clock tower in the park seemed to have a Tree Sparrows' nest inside.

on sentry duty?

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