Saturday 1 November 2014

On the Nagao

Two Spotbilled Ducks (Karugamoカルガモ) were waddling on the shingle.
They looked rather out of place:)

And so did the Reef Egret

Just below the foot-bridge over the Nagao, there was plenty to see.

Teals (Kogamoコガモ)

Mallards (Magamoマガモ) & a Teal

a Grey Heron (Aosagiアオサギ)

a Japanese Wagtail (Segurosekireiセグロセキレイ)

and our first Long-billed Plover (Ikaruchidoriイカルチドリ)

We also saw a Common Sandpiper (Isoshigiイソシギ), Great Cormorants (Kawauカワウ), Little Egrets (Kosagiコサギ), White Wagtails (Hakusekireiハクセキレイ), Oriental Greenfinches (Kawarahiwaカワラヒワ), Black-eared Kites (Tobiトビ), Thick-billed Crows (Hashibutogarasuハシブトガラス), Oriental Turtle Doves (Kijibatoキジバト) and many, many Brown-eared Bulbuls (Hiyodoriヒヨドリ).


  1. Some great shots, especially the egret and heron

    1. Hi Laurie, thanks for the comment. The weather was so unfriendly for birding and photo-taking but we enjoyed a little stroll along the beach and the river. I really like the reef egret.
