Thursday, 9 October 2014

Ecology Park

In the Ecology Park on the 2nd and the 9th of October

Ducks arrived!

Mallards (Magamoマガモ) & resident Spotbilled Ducks (Karugamoカルガモ)

Teals (Kogamoコガモ)

4 female Falcated Ducks (Yoshigamoヨシガモ) were there on the 2/Oct before the typhoon but none on the 9/Oct after the typhoon.

All the male Mallards looked different as they are in eclipse plumage.

To see about the eclipse, go to the RSPB site:

3 Grey Herons (Aosagiアオサギ) were seen by the pond, which was quite unusual. They seemed to keep some distance from one another.

A young Coot (Ohbanオオバン) came out from the reedbed and disappeared in there again.

Hikagecho (literally means a butterfly in the shadow, which sounds a bit sad, but they are found in shaded places:)
A Ladybird
Can you spot a well camouflaged Praying Mantis?
It's on the top of the pic in the middle:)

Another typhoon is coming towards Japan for the next weekend. Hope it's not going to cause much damage...

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