Saturday 16 November 2013

Nihon Ike

It has finally become 'chilly' in Chiba and the leaves are getting more colourful day by day:)

Nihon Ike, which used to be a series of local reservoirs for the rice fields and can been seen on maps in the 19th century, was an ideal destination for walking and birding, especially on a sunny day like that day.

The stone bridge is still used to go into the woods behind the ponds.

Three pairs of Shovellers (Hashibirogamoハシビロガモ) were foraging around a little island but when they noticed me...

I'm sure they were thinking 'Hey! Food!'

I'm the first!

Sorry to disappoint you, guys! I have nothing today...

While walking around the ponds, I heard familiar calls.
There she was:)

Dive!  (A female Kingfisher (Kawasemiカワセミ))

Can you see a bird?

A Black-crowned Night Heron (Goisagiゴイサギ) was sunbathing or hiding?

Where he was resting was actually near the road, although the whole area is a very quiet place away from the main street. Beautiful navy coloured back he has!

Two Spot-billed Ducks (Karugamoカルガモ) were under a lovely maple tree next to the tree where the heron was.

The ponds and the woods were full of bird calls - Japanese Bush Warbler (Uguisuウグイス), Brown-eared Bulbuls (Hiyodoriヒヨドリ), Oriental Greenfinches (Kawarahiwaカワラヒワ), Japanese White-eyes (Mejiroメジロ), Great Tits (Shijukaraシジュウカラ) and crows.

I think I ought to visit here more often as it is not far from home and a lovely place even for a short walk.

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