Saturday 2 January 2021


There are some paddy fields in Chiba where wintering Tundra Swans (Kohakuchoコハクチョウ) forage during the day and we visited one of the sites.

The weather was weird, pouring down with sunshine! 

At first, only a few families of swans were foraging on the fields but within half an hour or so the number kept growing up to 81 individuals.

here they come!
and more!

We are familiar with 'Bewick's Swans' in the UK, which I learnt are a subspecies of Tundra swans. Basically they look exactly the same to me...   but anyway, it was a great moment to observe them quite close (but far enough not to disturb them) even in the rain.

On the paddy fields, we saw a huge flock (I mean really huge, 100 or more!) of Oriental greenfinches (Kawarahiwaカワラヒワ) and Water pipits (Tahibariタヒバリ) as well as a Grey heron (Aosagiアオサギ), some White wagtails (Hakusekireiハクセキレイ), Meadow buntings (Hoojiroホオジロ), Dusky thrushes (Tsugumiツグミ), Brown-eared bulbuls (Hiyodoriヒヨドリ), White-cheeked starlings (Mukudoriムクドリ) and Thick-billed crows (Hashibutogarasuハシブトガラス).

(The exact location is not shown on the map by way of precaution.)

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