Saturday 17 March 2018

Amami Oshima 3

Amami is a larger island than many people imagine and has a variety of landscapes which sustain a wide range of creatures.

paddy fields

vegetable patches and a papaya tree

primary forest - jungle!

rock pools

secondary forest

the sea before a storm

Mangrove forests, estuaries, cliffs, sugar cane fields, the strait between Amami and the Kakeroma Island, beaches are also in and around the island and each of the habitat has interesting and unique creatures in it.  

a male Falcated Duck (Yoshigamoヨシガモ) in the paddy fields

a lone Richard's Pipit (Mamijirotahibariマミジロタヒバリ) on grass in one of the many little fishing ports

a Marsh Sandpiper (Koaoashishigiコアオアシシギ)
Pacific Golden Plovers (Munaguroムナグロ)

Coots (Oobanオオバン) and ducks
Coots and Pacific Golden Plovers

It felt a bit strange to see Teals (Kogamoコガモ), Spotbilled Ducks (Karugamoカルガモ) and Shovelers (Hashibirogamoハシビロガモ) foraging together with Coots and waders on the rockpools.
We also saw a couple of Ospreys (Misagoミサゴ) at the same spot.

When we were looking for Barred Buttonquail (Mifuuzuraミフウズラ) in the sugarcane fields, we were lucky to see a male Elegant Bunting (Miyamahojiroミヤマホオジロ) but no luck for the buttonquail.

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