Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Ducks in Junsaichi Koen

Junsai-Ike Koen, about 1.5 miles north of JR Ichikawa Station, which is just like one of the many busy stations in and around Tokyo, is a haven away from all the hustle and bustle. There are a lot of resident ducks as well as wintering birds found in the park.

Nearly a hundred ducks resting on the island and on the water.

unmistakable black and white Tufted Ducks (Kinkurohajiroキンクロハジロ)

elegant yet rather friendly (or greedy?) Pintails (Onagagamoオナガガモ)

neatly resting little Teals (Kogamoコガモ)

a male Shoveller (Hashibirogamoハシビロガモ) just woken up from a nap

Teals and a Shoveller

a pair of Wigeons (Hoshihajiroホシハジロ)

Resident Spotbill Ducks (Karugamoカルガモ)

a lone male Smew (Mikoaisaミコアイサ) - the star of the day:)
What's he doing, I wonder?

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