Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Rare Visitor

Friends and acquaintances were talking about the Red-breasted Flycatcher (Nishi-ojirobitaki) being spotted in the park adjacent to the museum, so how can I resist!

It seemed to be staying there till the beginning of the year 2020 but decided to move on perhaps? (and no more camera people in the park).

Monday, 2 September 2019


Oh it's already September...
I was lucky to be involved in some bird surveys this summer and time was just flying by (when having fun! indeed!).

Time for migration. Yes!
My husband and I are not great at identifying waders but at least we tried:)
 (if our identification is wrong, please leave your comment!)

In the UK, when we saw a curlew, it was definitely a Eurasian curlew. BUT!
In Japan we have the Eurasian Curlew AND the Far Eastern Curlew and both can be seen at the same place at the same moment.

If my memory is right, I was told that the ones in the first 2 pictures are Eurasian Curlews (Daishakushigiダイシャクシギ) and the last one is a Far Eastern Curlew (Hourokushigiホウロクシギ).

a Far Eastern Curlew

This estuary has a very narrow sandy area and birds land quite close to the embankment where people can stand and watch them, which is lucky for us birdwatchers.

another Far Eastern Curlew. The far eastern curlew has a browner plumage than the Eurasian ones in general and its belly and vent are buff coloured (compared with the white belly and vent of the Eurasian Curlew)

Even though we were not sure which one was which at that time, the curlews are still a gorgeous bird to observe:)

Friday, 9 August 2019

Swallow Roost

Thousands of Barn Swallows gathered to roost in the reedbeds by North Imbanuma Lake. This spectacle can be seen only at this time of year just before they head south for winter.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Kujukuri Beach

On a sunny but windy day, I drove to Kujukuri hoping to see some interesting seabirds.

There were three juvenile Black-winged Terns (Hajiro-kurohara-ajisashiハジロクロハラアジサシ) among nearly 100 Common Terns (Ajisashiアジサシ).

My first ever sighting of this species:) Yay!

Lots of Common Terns
I was a bit confused because they didn't look like what I had known as Common Terns with a red beak. I learnt that the ones seen in the UK and these are a different subspecies and the colour of their beaks is the biggest difference between them.

A male Little Tern (Koajisashiコアジサシ) was trying hard to attract his mate:)

Over the water, hundreds or even thousands of Streaked Shearwaters (Oomizunagidoriオオミズナギドリ) were shearing over the water.

It was a glorious day!

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Little Terns

a very short video of bathing Little Terns (Koajisashiコアジサシ)

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Inage Yacht Harbour

Chiba-city put up a rope-fence around the possible little tern breeding site to protect the birds again for this year.

I went to see if any little terns have arrived as I do volunteering for putting up the fence as well as monitoring the birds for the last couple of years.
A pair of Little Ringed Plovers (Kochidoriコチドリ) were looking good:)

Hope there'll be Little Ringed Plover chicks dashing around the beach later on!

A male Skylark (Hibariヒバリ) was busy singing as well.

There was no sign of little terns yet but it was still early and I was happy to see LR plovers and skylarks getting ready for the season:)

Monday, 22 April 2019

Sakura & Imba-numa

The weather is getting nicer and nicer and I just couldn't resist going out birding.

By Sakura Castle Park, a couple of male Green Pheasants (Kijiキジ) looked tense, occasionally calling and flapping their wings very aggressively to weigh each other up. I didn't want to disturb their 'conflict' so just managed to take a picture of one of them. I don't know who won in the end!
Beautiful plumage!

There's a heronry every year near the National History Museum and I could hear the herons before seeing them.

 already some nests had chicks!
 Mainly Grey Herons (Aosagiアオサギ) but some Great Egrets (Daisagiダイサギ) too.

By the lake, a male Bull-headed Shrike (Mozuモズ) was calling very loudly.
Can you spot him?
He already had several fledglings in the bush near him and was busy feeding them.

There were quite a few shrikes in the vicinity, which was why the male was calling and patrolling his patch.
Another one calling...

The temperature went up and up and I cut my trip short in the end...
I'd never seen bull-headed shrike fledglings so it was a successful trip after all:)

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Ecology Park

A Japanese Sparrowhawk (Tsumiツミ) was making a racket in the tree at the park.

I saw two of them chasing in the air later on so he probably didn't like the other one in his territory. I wonder if the J sparrowhawk breed in the park.

Hawfinches (Shimeシメ) were everywhere, fuelling up for their migration.

It was rather gory but that's nature for you.

The Bullfrog was trying not to be swallowed by the Grey Heron (Aosagiアオサギ) by pumping itself up but it was no use against Heron's powerful spear-like beak after all... 

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Chiba Koen

I decided to cycle to the park as I thought the park would become much quieter after the cherry blossoms had gone, and I was right.

Two Dusky Thrushes (Tsugumiツグミ) were fueling up before their migration for the north.
One of them started to have a bath in a puddle.

A lone Brambling (Atoriアトリ) was foraging under pine trees with Black-faced Buntings (Aojiアオジ).

Some Tufted Ducks (Kinkurohajiroキンクロハジロ) were still seen on the pond and all the resident birds such as Great Tits, White-eyes, White Wagtails and Brown-eared Bulbuls were busy singing all over the park. Spring has sprung! 

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Azure-winged Magpies

Just after coming back from Europe, we heard a family of Azure-winged Magpies (Onagaオナガ) in our neighbour's garden.

I sent some of these pics to Vicent of Donana Wings and he said that the tail feathers of Azure-winged Magpies look longer than those of Iberian Magpies.
We think he's right.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Seville, Spain

Just thought that I'd put up some photos of beautiful Seville (and of some birds seen in the city centre).

la catedral de Sevilla

la giralde (the bell tower)

El Real Alcázar de Sevilla 

the Gardens of the Real Alcazar

a pair of Common Kestrels in the centre

a Rose-ringed (ring-necked) Parakeet (introduced) checking upon the kestrel

nesting Monk Parakeets (introduced)

Collared Doves (resident)

European Serins (resident)

Western Great Tits (resident)

Rose-ringed (ring-necked) Parakeets

Western Jackdaws (resident)

Muscovy Ducks (ornamental)

It was a great holiday and I totally fell in love with Seville:)